
The Shock In The Box | Perry Stone

The Shock In The Box | Perry Stone

The story behind this is very interesting! #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for…

The Great Divorce :: By Jan Markell

The Great Divorce :: By Jan Markell

I recently read a passionate article by Jonathan Brentner on the divorce of Rapture theology from the gospel and from pulpits. I so resonated with the main points he made. The absence of this topic—and related topics—from our churches today is a great tragedy! When Rapture discussion ended some thirty years ago in the church […]

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Spirit Encounters in the Bible

Spirit Encounters in the Bible

Rev. Dr. Reed Carlson specializes in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. His current research focuses on accounts of spirits and ecstatic religious experiences in biblical and Second Temple Jewish literature. This podcast highlights parts of the R…

The Final Week in Jerusalem

The Final Week in Jerusalem

An outtake from our pre-recording is available at the end of the episode.Enroll in The Jewish Gospel of MatthewExplore Listening to the Land of the Bible Part 2: o…