A Christian is the one who accepts The Trinity
A Christian is the one who accepts The Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit are 3 Persons in the ONE God Head. NOT 3 gods…
95 Years Ago Ivan Voronaev Finally Reached the City of Odessa
Not So “Little Odessa” (from the book The Life and Ministry of Rev. Ivan Voronev) By the end of the summer of 1921, Voronaev…
Church of GOD misses historic opportunity to allow women as ordained bishops to the ministry
Church of GOD misses historic opportunity to allow women as ordained bishops to the ministry A spokesman in support of women ordained bishops in…
Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism
Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal NOW being published #AtLast William DeArteaga John Kissinger…
The BIBLE and world Conspiracy Theories
Not a BIG fan of world Conspiracy Theories? #WCT How about this week? 1. NYSE suspends ALL trading (not for cyber attack reasons) []…
Massive Youth Revival in the Schools of Delbarton, West Virginia
Revival Rocks West Virginia School, Surrounding Towns Pastor Mitch Bias, with the regional Church of God in Delbarton, said prayer, plus desperation, have paved…
The Toronto Blessing: What did we learn?
God poured out in renewal in 1994 in Canada. What did we learned from the Toronto Blessing? What is your story? Roger David [03/11/2016…
The Entrance of Sin and the Dinosaurs: The biblical account
The Entrance of Sin and the Dinosaurs The biblical account of Creation suggests that the curse that followed the fall of Adam and Eve…
Demonic Origins of the Transgender issue
The Demonic Origins and Confusion of the Transgender issue. God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him;…
Demonic Factor in Mass Shootings and the gun control debate
The Demonic Factor in Mass Shootings: A speculative essay The gun control debate: The recent mass shootings at Sandy Hook elementary School in Conneticut…
Jesus and the Rabbis
This week we discuss the course The Stories of Jewish Christ: Among the Rabbis with professor Pinchas Shir. How does Jesus earn the title rabbi? What does that mean about the responsibility of the students? What are the early rabbinic sources …