Dr. Ted Hildbrandt: Who are the Sons of God in Genesis 6
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Ted Hildebrandt on the Old Testament Survey. Ted earned his M. Div. and S.T. M. from Biblical Theological Seminary….
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Ted Hildebrandt on the Old Testament Survey. Ted earned his M. Div. and S.T. M. from Biblical Theological Seminary….
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Ted Hildebrandt on OT Literature Ted has a doctorate from Grace Theological seminary where he taught twenty years before…
Pastor was shot after PRAYING for Ted Cruz Troy Day [03/15/2016 2:30 PM]Is anyone from this group in the area to let us know…
Ted Cruz: “Honor Justice Scalia by Preventing Obama From Appointing the Next Supreme Court Justice. ” Troy Day [02/15/2016 5:07 AM]http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/mike-bickle-is-dead-wrong-about-ted-cruz-again/ John Kissinger [02/15/2016…
Mike Bickle might be my former pastor but he is dead wrong on this Ted Cruz thing. Here is why!
Ted Cruz doesn’t tithe and is declared a “phony Christian” by Mike Huckabee supporters… Roger David [01/27/2016 1:31 PM]Yup sounds about right. Most womens…
Mike Bickle has endorsed Ted Cruz. This does not make any sense whatsoever. What is Mike thinking? John Kissinger [01/22/2016 8:44 PM]Clearly pure #NAR…