Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST?
Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST? MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the…
Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST? MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the…
Many teach that the coming of Christ in Mat. 24 to gather his elect is His descent to the earth to establish God’s Kingdom, rather than a descent to the sphere of the clouds to gather the elect and bring them to heaven.
…and they shall …
Why do churches teach that the law is done away with, but tell their congregation they must tithe? PS I appreciate all the discussion…
A. Put him in remembrance of the teaching B. Be an example to others C. Be careful/ certain of things you say D. Actions…
None of the religions today teach the path of salvation that Yeshua taught. Christianity and Judaism at least are using the right holy book…
Some churches teach beards are wrong. Is it Biblical?
In 2 Kings 13:14-17 we find that, Joash – the king of Israel, took a bow and some arrows as Elisha told him.
And the 17th verse:
Elisha said, “Open the east window,” and he did so. Elisha said, “Shoot!” and he did so. Elisha said, “This arrow symbolizes the victory the Lord will give you over Syria. You will annihilate Syria in Aphek!”
However, later, in verses 18 and 19 we find the second part of this episode:
Then Elisha said, “Take the arrows,” and he did so. He told the king of Israel, “Strike the ground!” He struck the ground three times and stopped.
The prophet got angry at him and said, “If you had struck the ground five or six times, you would have annihilated Syria! But now, you will defeat Syria only three times.”
What’s the meaning of this story? Where should the king know from that he must strike the ground five or six times?
A couple years ago I volunteered to teach in our Alternative School, where students are sent to us because they could not make it…
Does John 1:12-13 teach monergism? John 1:12-13 12Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the…