
Free – ACT Prep Study Guide Kindle eBook
Free – ACT Prep Study Guide Kindle eBook ACT Prep Study Guide: Lessons, Strategies, and Diagnostic Tests [Print Replica] Kindle Edition by Varsity Tutors (Author) Amazon offers the Varsity Tutors’ ACT Prep Study Guide: Lessons, Strategies, and Diagnostic Tests 2016 … Continue reading →

Before we start our study on “Understanding the Bible”
Before we start our study on “Understanding the Bible” I would like to take you on one of our trips to Italy, and visit…

Perry Stone Study Bible is Complete
Perry Stone celebrates the completion of his soon coming Study Bible!

Ryrie Study Bible
Has anyone here heard of the Ryrie study bible, if so whats your view please? John Kissinger [07/11/2015 9:26 PM]Sure! http://cupandcross.com/bible-revival/ John Kissinger [07/11/2015…

A good Bible study method
A method of study from a friend of mine:

Holiness Manifesto 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Wesleyan Holiness Study Project
Holiness Manifesto 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Wesleyan Holiness Study Project, Azusa, California, February 2006. In February, the top leaders of ten historic Holiness denominations released…

Today is # 5 in our study of “Understanding our BIBLE”
Today is # 5 in our study of “Understanding our Bible” The following is some interesting fact about the use of the Bible in…

VideoBible.TV: A recent Barna & American Bible Society study
VideoBible.TV: A recent Barna & American Bible Society study found that more than half of Americans say they want to read their Bibles more….

Study of the 10 Commandments….
Now we return to the study of the 10 Commandments. Today we look at the 6th Commandment “Tho shall not Kill” Because of the…

Study on anti-Christian regions…
Looking for confirmation on about this study on anti-Christian regions in the U.S. http://www.afa.net/bigotrymap Can you confirm the information published on the map in…

Perry Stone: Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible is Complete
The Bible Project As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning…