Masonic Bibles and Oaths in the Inauguration of United States Presidents
This is a list of the 58 regularly scheduled inaugural ceremonies and the nine intra-term extraordinary inaugurations which have taken place since the presidency…
This is a list of the 58 regularly scheduled inaugural ceremonies and the nine intra-term extraordinary inaugurations which have taken place since the presidency…
Is the United States mentioned in Bible prophecy? Perhaps the two most frequently asked questions when Bible prophecy is brought up involve the role of the United States in the end times. Specifically, people want to know if the United States is mentioned in Bible prophecy and when God will judge America. The United States […]
The post The United States and God’s Judgment :: By Michael Hile appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Watch the latest Manna-Fest episode with Perry Stone. This episode was filmed in our studios in Cleveland, TN. Perry urges everyone to watch! #perrystone…
The Charismatic Movement Peter Hocken than origin than the Pentecostal attention of many doctoral on the development of the detailed scholarly level, 191 in…
Covenant Communities Theophane The Rise of Charismatic The phenomenon principally through church from of Charismatic Before 1968, there were, communities to 1958, healing ministry…
BOOK REVIEW SECTION Arthur Carl Piepkorn, Profiles in Belief Religious Bodies in the United States and Canada, 7 vols. (New York: Harper & Row,…
The Jewish Talmud states that the one who builds Solomon’s Temple is the Messiah. In 1st Kings 10:14 King Solomon’s annual income was 666…
The United States is no longer a majority white, Christian country, and that is already beginning to have profound social and political implications…
Why did the magi seek a king? Why did the magi seek a king? In Matthew 2:1-3 (NET), the author states: After Jesus was…
At the invitation of the United theological faculty at VEBI, military Ministry in co-operation with the Bulgarian and Bulgarian kapelanska Association, chaplain (Col. o.)…
Are any of you familiar with Damon Thompson? If so, what do you think?