For all the snake handlers out-here: St. Patrick left none…
For all the snake handlers out-here: St. Patrick left NO snakes in Ireland… Troy Day [03/17/2016 10:06 AM] David Lewayne Porter Weren’t you part…
For all the snake handlers out-here: St. Patrick left NO snakes in Ireland… Troy Day [03/17/2016 10:06 AM] David Lewayne Porter Weren’t you part…
Snake handling in the Dolly Pond Church of God with Signs Following John Kissinger [11/18/2015 3:57 PM]This was written in 1995 Rick Wadholm Jr…
Snake handling in the Dolly Pond Church of God with Signs Following John Kissinger [11/18/2015 3:57 PM] This was written in 1995 Rick Wadholm…
To begin, I am speaking as a Christian, and also as an Appalachian-American, and on that this subject bears considerable merit. Also, I want…
“In the early 1900’s a small group of church members made up of Pentecostal, Church of God and Southern Baptists began practicing what came…
Charles Page Snake handling was prominent in the early days of the Church of God many preachers associated with my home town CoG were…
This is a brief historical overview of the movement to give some background, and if you want to read more on it, there are an…
If you are handling a snake in a worship service and the power of God leaves you and you still handle a snake it…
Sin begins in the mind. Not with an act of the body, not with an act of the soul. It begins with a thought…
Snake handling in the BIBLE John Kissinger [08/04/2015 12:32 PM] Charles Page why are you not listed as prime contributor? John Earp [08/04/2015 12:44…
Posted by PentecostalTheology.com Chattanooga’s WTVC-TV NewsChannel 9 has recently expressed interest in investigating snake handling practices in southeast TN. Several lively discussions on Facebook‘s…
Church of God Evangel October 23, 1915. Tennessee state overseer, George Brouayer wrote this report for a revival in Southside, Tennessee. It is a…