1037: Destroying the Roots of Babylon
Sermon given by Win Worley. 1981.
Sermon given by Win Worley. 1981.
A CRITICAL THE ‘ROOTS AND FRUITS’ by Charles Farah, Jr. “When a prophet is accepted prophet ANALYSIS: OF FAITH-FORMULA THEOLOGY and deified his message…
Pentecostalism: William Seymour What scoffers viewed as a weird babble of tongues became a world phenomenon after his Los Angeles revival. Vinson Synan Of…
A Pentecostal reflection on Thomas C. Oden’s claim that the first Pentecost took place in the home of an African Jewish woman.
INTRODUCTION Two men sat with their hats in their hands in the office of a prominent Pentecostal pastor in Michigan. They explained that they…
The Historical Roots of Hanukkah Return to Guide to Hanukkah for Interfaith Families. The story of Hanukkah is a story of a revolution in…
THEOLOGICAL ROOTS OF PENTECOSTALISM by Donald W. Dayton Pentecostalism has been with us now for three quarters of a century. But in spite of…
127 The Spirit Baptism, Nineteenth Century Roots Roland Wessels* Pentecostals claim that there is a life transforming and empowering experience subsequent to conversion, called…
John Kissinger [11/30/2015 7:18 AM] William DeArteaga glad to have written the article Empire State Churc http://cupandcross.com/empire-state-church/ Ilya Okhotnikov [11/30/2015 4:26 PM] Oh! Yessss!…
Abandoning your roots VS rethinking your theology Abandoning your roots VS rethinking your theology If you are going to come against one’s ecclesial convictions…
THE MEANING OF SANCTIFICATION The term for ‘sanctification’ as used in the New Covenant is HAGIOSMOS and means basically ‘set apart’, in the sense…