The Secret to True Revival
[The secret to true revival, surrender and pray, and leave it up to the Lord. Below is a teaching clarifying the understanding of revival….
Revival and Reformation Needed Christians should be preparing for what…
Revival and Reformation Needed Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation…
Experiencing True Revival
EXPERIENCING TRUE HOLY SPIRIT-LED REVIVAL Ray E Horton Churches in our full-gospel tradition will often schedule “revival” meetings with a “revivalist” as guest speaker….
Revival under a Biden administration?
There is a sense a panic among some Evangelicals about the possibility of a Biden-Harris victory this November. These fervent Trump supporters are certain…
Revival of personal prophecy
I believe we need a revival of personal prophecy more than ever! John Kissinger [11/06/2015 11:33 AM]wait – that lady behind you just showed…
100 years past Azusa street new revival prophecy
There has been alot of interest in a prophecy that was given at Azusa Street in 1907 about the “Latter Glory.” In order to…
Randy Clark and Heidi Baker Predict a ‘Second Wave’ Revival
Revival is when the glory falls in Wal-Mart
Revival is when the glory falls in wal mart, not the church meeting! David Price [09/19/2015 3:00 PM] If Real Revival fell in the…
Let Revival Roll
John Wesley: “Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether…
Revival is spreading across the Atlantic
Eevival is spreading across the Atlantic. CHURCH’S IN AMERICA are getting its start. Because of the persecution of under King James of England,…
INTRODUCTION In this essay we will look into how a pastor who already has worked for 20 years in the ministry without seeing a…