
The Secret to True Revival

The Secret to True Revival

[The secret to true revival, surrender and pray, and leave it up to the Lord. Below is a teaching clarifying the understanding of revival….

Experiencing True Revival

Experiencing True Revival

EXPERIENCING TRUE HOLY SPIRIT-LED REVIVAL Ray E Horton Churches in our full-gospel tradition will often schedule “revival” meetings with a “revivalist” as guest speaker….

Revival of personal prophecy

Revival of personal prophecy

I believe we need a revival of personal prophecy more than ever! John Kissinger [11/06/2015 11:33 AM]wait – that lady behind you just showed…

Let Revival Roll

John Wesley: “Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether…

Revival is spreading across the Atlantic

Eevival is spreading across the Atlantic. CHURCH’S IN AMERICA are getting its start. Because of the persecution of under King James of England,…