Sabbath Day. Rev. 1:10
Today we take up with the Sabbath day. Rev. 1:10, ” I was in the spirit on the lords day.” The Sabbath was not…
Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in Culberson, N.C
Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in Culberson, N.C. (1901-1902) #ourCOG
TRUMP of God is not the same as the 7th trumpet of Rev. 11:15-13:18.
The Trump of God (1 Th. 4:16)This is not the same as the 7th trumpet of Rev. 11:15-13:18. 1. One occurs at the rapture…
Is Rev. 18:10 / 17:1-2 talking about USA the Great Babylon?
Do you think that Rev. 18:10 or Rev 17:1-2 could be talking about USA? If the Great Babylon is USA or even New York…