“THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST” REVELATION 20:1-10 INTRO: Our study on the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST and beyond has been encouraging to me…
“THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST” REVELATION 20:1-10 INTRO: Our study on the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST and beyond has been encouraging to me…
“Many of the issues of eschatology are obscure and difficult to deal with. Moreover, in situations where a rather minor point of eschatology has…
During the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth what is He going to do? Build good houses for all, make everyone disease free and wonderfully happy with nothing to worry about as all needs will be fulfilled etc? Does getting saved have any s…
Prophetic Scripture and the Dark Reign of the Antichrist and the Coming Millennial Reign Part The Introduction Text: Titus 2:13, “Looking…
ALLOW ME TO REIGN IN YOUR LIFE, SAYS THE LORD Ray E Horton “Yes, I reign, I reign throughout the universe,” says the Lord,…
HOW TO REIGN IN LIFE – Ray E Horton We all know that when we are Born Again by receiving Jesus, we are forgiven…
What is the 1000 year reign of Christ?