What are the qualifications to partake in the rapture?
What are the qualifications to partake in the rapture?
What is Gods purpose for the rapture of the saints before the tribulation?
What is Gods purpose for the rapture of the saints before the tribulation?
Most Pentecostals believe in pre-tribulation rapture
Do most, if not all, Pentecostals believe in the pre-tribulation/pre-millenial rapture? Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 4:23 PM]http://ourcog.org/secret-rapture-perry-stone/ Jordan Evans [02/26/2015 4:26 PM]I don’t. Edwin Mendez…
Is there a pre-tribulation rapture?
Is there a pre-tribulation rapture or is the rapture concept as a whole nothing but hogwash? Robert Paul Gardner [01/30/2016 12:17 PM]I personally lean…
The Rapture: To Be or Not To Be?
Definite proof that the rapture is before the antichrist and tribulation
Definite proof that the rapture will take place before the coming of the antichrist and before the tribulation. (Finis J. Dake)
Paid Up, Prayed Up, and Ready to Go in the Rapture
When people say, “prayed up” what does that mean? Exactly. Does it mean in alignment with the “known” will of God? Full of faith…
The Rapture A Revelation of the Great Assembly
The Ancient Church Fathers Believed in Pre-Trib Rapture
David K. Hebert, Master of Arts in Theological and Historical Studies The Rapture of the Church: A Doctrine of the Early Church or a…
RAPTURE: Matthew 28:19 reconcile to Revelation 3:8,10
I know that not one bible verse of anyone original apostle baptized using the questionable Matthew 28:19 titles formula. So I did my own research, I found out that out of the 7 churches in the book of Revelation, only the Philadelphia Chur…