Link Hudson: Wrong on the Rapture!
The comments in the discussion on the “Pentecostal Theology” Facebook page are quite engaging. Here’s a summary of the main points: Engagement: There are…
The comments in the discussion on the “Pentecostal Theology” Facebook page are quite engaging. Here’s a summary of the main points: Engagement: There are…
24:36 “Now, concerning that day and hour, no one knows—not even the angels of heaven, and not even the Son—except the Father alone. 37 For as the days of Noah, so will be the Parousia of the Son of Man. 38 For as in those days before the Flood, they we…
When they are saying, “Peace and security!” then destruction overtakes them suddenly… This article is a continuation of the previous two that were centered on 1Th 4:13‑18 (Rapture Ready? and Escorting the King of Kings?). The beginning of the very nex…
It is important to share with others that there is going to be an any Moment Call from Christ to believers. This resource can be used as a simple yet resounding wake-up alert so that no believer is caught by surprise. It is also an easy-to-understand explanation resource to share with non-believers about that great […]
The post Rapture Resource from Lion of Judah Ministry :: By Gary Fisher appeared first on Rapture Ready.
The things that Jesus said and did on Earth and the impact He has had on the twenty centuries that have since passed are both wonderful and amazing. The reality of Jesus returning to Earth will be far beyond amazing. It is not a myth. Picture the literal and physical return of Jesus Christ to […]
The post The Rapture and the Second Coming :: By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Ready.
I have heard there is a new Left Behind movie out in theaters. It has been several decades since Tim LaHaye’s series fictionalizing the return of Christ captured the evangelical imagination. This latest movie focusing on the antichrist seems to b…
1Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being
gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers,a 2not to be quickly
shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a
letter seeming to be from us, to th…
[See Part I] In the first part of this investigation we looked at the uses of pharmakeia, pharmakon, and pharmakos in the NT. The intent was and is to try to determine a more precise meaning for pharmakeia in our subject verse, Revelation 18:23: 18:21 …
Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching about the next event on God’s end-time table – the rapture of the church. http://www.wordfaithministry.weebly.com
We are fast approaching that time of year in which we remember the death of the Lord Jesus and celebrate His victory over death through His resurrection. Over these next three weeks, I would like to focus on Jesus’ ministry following the Passover meal He shared with His disciples in the Upper Room. There Jesus […]
The post Revealed in the Upper Room: The Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf appeared first on Rapture Ready.
In our culture, it’s become the proverbial fifth wheel of holidays. Really, we don’t even celebrate it anymore. It used to be that we would pause for much of the day—to feast, spend time with our families, and, yes, to watch football … but, most importantly, to worship and give thanks. But sadly, those days […]
The post Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Watch the latest Manna-Fest episode with Perry Stone. This episode was filmed live at the 2023 Main Event in Cleveland, TN. #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy…