
How Early Pentecostals Rescued Women from Human Trafficking

How Early Pentecostals Rescued Women from Human Trafficking

The month of January is Human Trafficking Awareness month. This terrible social evil has been more prominent in our social consciousness in recent decades, but early Pentecostals were at the forefront of bringing attention to this issue as early as 190…

Pentecostals And Social Ethics

Pentecostals And Social Ethics

103 Pentecostals and Social Ethics Revivalism and Social Reform (Abingdon, 1957) was a book borne out of a 1955 prize-winning essay written by a…

West Indian Pentecostals

West Indian Pentecostals

358 book reviews Janice A. McLean-Farrell West Indian Pentecostals: Living Their Faith in the Cities of New York and London (New York,ny: Bloomsbury Academic,…

Pentecostals And The World

Pentecostals And The World

PNEUMA 38 (2016) 373–393 Pentecostals and the World Theoretical and Methodological Issues for Studying Global Pentecostalism Michael Wilkinson Trinity Western University, Langley,bc, Canada…