◄Exponential Increase of Sores PAIN; 1st – 5th Bowls of…
◄Exponential Increase of Sores PAIN; 1st – 5th Bowls of Wrath!► ➥ The Pain of Sores received in the 1st Vial Increases & Intensifies…
◄Exponential Increase of Sores PAIN; 1st – 5th Bowls of Wrath!► ➥ The Pain of Sores received in the 1st Vial Increases & Intensifies…
– The Correct Research Methodology To Substantiate If an Expression is an Idiom?
– In the early church, was the Last Supper Considered a Passover Feast?
– The meaning of παρασκευή (‘day of preparation’)
– Luke 22:16 – Did Jesus say he was not going to eat THAT Passover?
– Do Idioms Used in the Crucifixion Narrative Resolve the “3 Day/3 Night” Objections?
Is “day of” an idiomatic expression, meaning “general time”?
Why does Luke say the day of the Passover came, when it had not?
Is there any historical evidence, or grammatical rules, that may suggest that this phrase was often used imprecisely, idiomatically?
Is it possible that: “It’s the Feast of Passover!” – may have have been understood the same way that we understand: “It’s Christmas Time!”, (a generalization, not necessarily the actual day);
Are Verb Tenses Significant? (“Then came:“, Aorist, Imperfect, etc.)
Are there any historical texts, that either confirm or refute this argument?
NASB, Luke 22:1 – Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was approaching.
Passover Came:
NASB, Luke 22:7 – Then came, (Ἦλθεν, Aorist Tense) the day
But It Had Not, Yet? :
NASB, Luke 23:17 – Now [Pilate] was obliged to release to them (at / κατὰ) the feast one prisoner.
John 19:31 – Then the Jews, because it was, (Imperfect Tense) the day of preparation, … for a Great Day was that Sabbath.
Homilies on Matthew (Chrysostom), Homily 81 – And this one calls the day before the feast of unleavened bread, Luke 22:7 speaking of the time when they came to Him, and another says on this wise, Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed; by the word came, meaning this, it was near, it was at the doors, making mention plainly of that evening. For they began with the evening, wherefore also each adds, when the passover was killed.
Note: Although Augustine, (354-439) cited Chrysostom as an authority – I feel that what Chrysostom, (349-407) wrote is not conclusive because those works were not contemporaneous with the New Testament.
Most translations of Matthew 28:19 begin with:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them …
What "of" means here is ambiguous:
All people from all nations should be baptized. (Proselytize)
A few peopl…
Iranian state television has said Tehran has launched “tens” of surface-to-surface missiles at Iraq’s Ain Assad air base housing US troops. More to follow.
This article is one of those that is a mixed bag, I agree with parts of it, while I disagree with parts of it….
For those of you who were Rich Mullins fans In 1997, the world was rocked with the news of Rich Mullins’ passing. Christians everywhere…
Sukkot Video made for the praise honor and glory of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Amightywind made this video because so many people think we are…
2020 should be known as the year of Se´lah. Se´lah is a Hebrew word that means “to pause and consider what has gone before.”…
Conversation I had with an atheist on the subject of morality from my previous video.
COULD THERE BE A GAP IN DANIEL’S 70TH WEEK OF 3.5 YEARS. I know many of you believe that the 7 Year Tribulation is…
God is sovereign, and He knocks at the heart of every man, giving him the opportunity to come. Now, you might warn away and…
Are there any Pre-tribulation representatives on the Admin board of this page?