
Pastor: Obama paved a way for the Antichrist
by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service Already no stranger to controversy, the Rev. Robert Jeffress, a Dallas megachurch pastor, is coming out with a book…

TORAH CODES EVIDENCE about Obama and “asteroid” in 2016
TORAH CODES EVIDENCE about Obama and “asteroid” for 2015/2016! Will ‘something’ happen ‘this year’, 2015? With Jade Helm, a major increase in earthquakes, locked…

Obama lifted US embargo on Vietnam
President Obama lifted the 41-year-old U.S. arms embargo against Vietnam Monday in an apparent effort to shore up the communist country’s defenses against an…

TORAH CODES EVIDENCE about Obama and “asteroid”
TORAH CODES EVIDENCE about Obama and “asteroid” for 2015/2016 http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/torah-codes-evidence-about-obama-and-asteroid-for-20152016-will.jpg #Pentecostal #Christian #CHURCH Troy Day [03/01/2016 10:52 AM]Troy Day liked this on Facebook.

Obama isn’t finished
Obama isn’t finished with his reign of terror. Could he be expanding from this nation to go world-wide?!? Interesting article invloving Obama and the…

President OBAMA: GUN CONTROL announcement
BRINGING it HOME President OBAMA with GUN CONTROL announcement John Kissinger [01/05/2016 8:08 AM]“The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage, but they can’t…

Trump: Clinton, Obama ‘created ISIS’ Donald Trump says
Trump: Clinton, Obama ‘created ISIS’ Donald Trump on Saturday said the policies of President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “created…

Obama condemns Palestinian violence
DIDN’T See this coming!!! (your thoughts?) Obama condemns Palestinian violence “in the strongest terms” DEBKAfile November 9, 2015, 6:28 PM (IDT) President Barack Obama…

incredible John Kissinger [10/22/2015 5:05 PM]http://cupandcross.com/toward-a-pentecostal-solution-to-the-refugee-crises-in-the-european-union/

Obama will be able to finalize
“Obama will be able to finalize all three of the Obamatrade deals, without any Congressional input…” notes Breitbart.The TPP, which covers 12 countries and…

Obama Demands Israel End Its “Occupation”
US President Barack Obama called on the new Israeli government to show “a genuine commitment to a two-state solution” and resolve what he called…