
The New Communism :: By Bill Wilson

The New Communism :: By Bill Wilson

Communism is on the rise in America and seeks to take over the nation without a single revolutionary shot fired. Communism is found in the public school system. Communism is found in the political system. Communism is found in the federal government. But Communism went out with Gorbachev, right? – The tearing down of the […]

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Terry James’ New Book!

Terry James’ New Book!

The religious leaders of Jesus’ days on earth were unable to see the powerful clouds of destiny surrounding them. The Lord called them “hypocrites” because they could discern the physical weather, but not the spiritual storm about to break. They claimed to have a direct connection with God, yet failed to see Israel’s promised Messiah standing among them at that […]

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Toward A Pentecostal Hermeneutic

NEW Pentecostal Hermeneutic

Toward a Pentecostal Mark D. McLean* 35 Hermeneutic I theology? In one sense, To begin with, is there a Pentecostal the answer is “NO!”…