In a Few Months | Perry Stone
Things are going to shift in a few months. Be prepared for coming changes! #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry…
Things are going to shift in a few months. Be prepared for coming changes! #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry…
Whatever transition you may face, know that God is presently, actively, and personally working in, around, and through you. He is always worthy. You are always valuable. And life is meant to be lived, not merely survived.
The post The Valley of Transit…
When we wrote back in March and again last month, we could hardly imagine what God had in store for our area. After eight…
Initially 7, now 8 churches and multiple ministries across the biggest Tennessee county, have set their hearts to seek after the will of God…
Just two weeks after the lunar eclipse, the sun, moon and Earth will align once again, but this time to create a solar eclipse…
Just two weeks after the lunar eclipse, the sun, moon and Earth will align once again, but this time to create a solar eclipse…
Just two weeks after the lunar eclipse, the sun, moon and Earth will align once again, but this time to create a solar eclipse…
PentecostalTheology.com: 3,000 articles later In the first 9 months alone Since its start, PentecostalTheology.com has published 2,400+ news articles and theological discussions. Just for a…
Some months back I was on an Apologetic site called “Therefore God Exists.” The moderator and others on the site seemed quite knowledgeable and…
Pastor Mark Blitz sermon, November 5, 2016: ‘The inauguration ceremony for president is on January 20, 2017, with a celebration to follow. The next…
Are there good months to schedule a revival for your church? Do you make an annual schedule that includes revivals? John Kissinger [09/24/2015 12:27…