
Psalms of Ascent 120-134

Psalms of Ascent 120-134

This video completes my series of messages on “Going Deeper in Worship: From the Outer Court to the Holy of Holies.” In this video…

Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Last week we talked about the obviously Jewish saturated context of Acts 1-5. We concluded noting the insider language Peter used when he quotes from the prophet Joel. But Peter also uses the Psalms. I wanted to start the conversation this wee…

Potato King of the World

Potato King of the World

Junius G. Groves 1859 – 1925. Farmer, landowner, and businessman Junius G. Groves was one of the wealthiest African Americans of the early 20th…

Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul L. King, Is It Of God? Applying Biblical Principles of Spiritual Discernment, Volume 2 (Owasso, OK: Paul King Ministries, 2021), 426 pages, ISBN 9798537657590. Dr. Paul King is a man with diverse ministry experience, he is both an academician and a practitioner. He has two doctoral degrees and has taught at a number of […]

Power Encounter Experiences

Power Encounter Experiences

In this video, I share when to use a Truth Encounter approach to spiritual warfare, and when to use a Power Encounter approach. Typically,…