
Extreme Weather in Prophecy: Part 1 of 3 :: By Nathan Jones

Extreme Weather in Prophecy: Part 1 of 3 :: By Nathan Jones

According to Genesis 1, at the beginning of human history at the Creation, everything that exists was made by God to be originally perfect. But then, sin entered and corrupted everything, so God placed a curse upon the world (Genesis 3). Mankind has long awaited the restoration of the Creation, which will happen upon Christ’s […]

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Technology: The Double-Edged Sword :: By Nathan Jones

Technology: The Double-Edged Sword :: By Nathan Jones

How Technology is Keeping the Biblical Worldview from a New Generation Our society faces an existential crisis of epic proportions. And I’m not talking about rocket-high inflation, D.C. swamp corruption, discordant political division, or even threatening environmental concerns. While these crises all hold their rightful place in the pantheon of hazards, what we are truly […]

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Prophecies Proving Jesus is the Messiah :: By Nathan Jones, Tim Moore

Prophecies Proving Jesus is the Messiah :: By Nathan Jones, Tim Moore

In this week’s episode of our ministry’s television program, Christ in Prophecy, we reflect on the First Advent when Jesus Christ came to the earth. How amazing that there are 300 general prophecies and 109 specific prophecies in the Bible, which foretold of Christ’s First Coming! Jesus fulfilled them all, exactly and in detail. The […]

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What Is Satan’s Five-Part Plan to Destroy America? :: By Nathan Jones

What Is Satan’s Five-Part Plan to Destroy America? :: By Nathan Jones

Our nation is under attack! Jarring social changes and frightening geopolitical events pummel our sensibilities like waves endlessly breaking upon the shore. Life’s been getting a whole lot crazier with each passing year. And now, an election season fraught with epic consequences is bearing down upon us all. What exactly is going on behind the […]

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