Pastor John Harper – The True Hero of the Titanic
John 12:3 why would Mary wipe Jesus’ feet with her hair?
John 12:3 Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
I understand the significance of Mary letting her hair down – Jewish women seldom ever did this. What I don’t get is why she used her hair to wipe his feet. Hair is not absorbent nor is it useful for wiping anything.
Why wouldn’t she use her dress or scarf?
QUESTION: Why hair and not the cloth of her dress, even her forearm would have been more useful for this task if a towel was not available.
If Thomas at John 20:28 was speaking in Aramaic, what are the options for what he originally said?
At John 20:28, Thomas famously exclaims
"My Lord and my God!"
This could be translated in different ways. In particular, ‘Lord’ is ambiguous (Adonai or Adoni?) and ‘God’ is ambiguous (God or god?)
"My LORD (= Adonai in Hebre…
John Wesley and the Pentecostal Believers
Pentecostalism is what some might call the forgotten legacy of John Wesley. In nearly 100 years the movement has become the fastest growing body…
by William M. Arnett Source: Wesleyan Theological Journal Wesley Center Online The person and work of the Holy Spirit have a…
Understanding Jesus’ apparent lie in John 7:8
John 7:8:
“…You go to the festival. I am not[a] going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.”
The all important footnote:
[a] John 7:8 Some manuscripts not yet
It seems strange that many ma…
Encouraged by the Diary of JOHN WESLEY
O HOLY GOD we, have come to a point where pastors text and post on facebook during sermon hour while thousands are going to hell…
False Doctrines in John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, by Eddie Hyatt
The False Doctrine Behind John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, by Eddie Hyatt In his latest book, Strange Fire, John MacArthur viciously labels the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement…
Why does the KJV use "made flesh" in John 1:14 when other translations use "became flesh?"
(KJV)John 1:14
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 (NASB)
[14]And the Word became flesh, an…
“His name is John”
“His name is John”. Why? What is the significance of John the baptist being named John?
Roger Green, Ph.D., Reformation to the Present, Lecture 6, John Calvin’s Theology
Biblical eLearning ( presents: Dr. Roger Green on Reformation to the Present Dr. Roger Green has a Ph.D. in theology from Boston College, and…