
Consultation on American Evangelicals and Islam

Consultation on American Evangelicals and Islam

As any observer of contemporary media well knows, the religion of Islam and its Muslim adherents have for some time been at the center of much public attention. Previously, American evangelicals have responded to Islam in various ways. Some regard Islam with fear and condemnation. These view Islam primarily in terms of terrorism and violence. […]

Hopeless Until Jesus Arrived

Hopeless Until Jesus Arrived

The deadbolt clicked loudly on the metal door. All curtains closed. Padlocks were next. Lights were turned low. In a fundamentalist Muslim city known for its high number of honor killings, you can never take too many precautions. Women in drab colored hijabs quickly entered from a side door. War wasn’t on the way. Neither […]

Jihadi Network in America

Time Magazine blames “Islamophobia” for America’s ills.  Congressman John Conyers says the House bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” is…

Why is Islam so radical?

Why is Islam so radical using Christian beheading to relate a message? Reinstating slavery, human trafficking, drug financing and global Jihad? Where else do…