Dull of hearing? Growing in grace
Notes from the afternoon session men’s leadership conference at Hegewissch Baptist Church. Afternoon session. Speaker brother Noe Lopez “Eyegate and eargate” watch the influence…
Notes from the afternoon session men’s leadership conference at Hegewissch Baptist Church. Afternoon session. Speaker brother Noe Lopez “Eyegate and eargate” watch the influence…
Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 44, No. 1, Spring 2005 ( 2005) The Growing Evidence for ‘‘Demonic Possession’’: What Should Psychiatry’s Response be?…
The largest megachurch in North America sits right off of 59 in southwest downtown Houston. Pastor Joel Osteen leads the Lakewood Church – a…
Growing in Prayer: A Real-Life Guide to Talking with God A practical, effective strategy for incorporating prayer into everyday life. As the founder of…
Growing a Church or Impacting a Community? As a pastor, I know the reality of the “business” of the church. Obviously no church can…
Speaking as one of the “nones” mentioned as a population to reach, this is not enough. These are superficial trends that will affect retention,…
Growing up Pentecostal, I quickly realized that the phrase signifies an amalgam of different movements, church bodies, and theologies, which are related by a…
1. Leadership It’s been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. Perhaps a more accurate way of putting it would be that no…
Does your church use professional security guards a.k.a. church guards and how are they used in your area of ministry? #ourCOG • Church security as…
A Growing Challenge Should Christian ministers Vape? The argument is that Vapor is not harming the body. Vapour is not smoke. And some people…
Most churches are more concerned with making sure you are a good citizen and a positive representation of the church you attend than they…