
The Rise of the Reprobates :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

The Rise of the Reprobates :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Throughout history, there have been many examples of groups of people rejecting the norms of society in order to develop new ways of doing things. Sometimes this change was good, sometimes bad. Examples of good change are readily seen in groups and even nations that decided to put their trust in God. These, without fail, […]

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The Return of the Godless :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

The Return of the Godless :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

*There is a special message at the end of this article.* Before the global flood that wiped out all land dwellers excluded from the Ark, man had become godless. In fact, God saw that wickedness abounded and every imagination and thought of man was continually evil (Gen 6:5). This godlessness was so complete that Noah […]

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Choose Wisely :: By C. Gray Adams

Choose Wisely :: By C. Gray Adams

Throughout the Bible, warnings abound about how people are to live. In the New Testament, Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John provide the most information about this. Studying their words makes it clear that two distinct paths are available. One path leads to eternal life in heaven. The other path leads to eternal damnation in hell. […]

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Ready Remnant of Tribulation Saints: Part One :: By C. Gray Adams

Ready Remnant of Tribulation Saints: Part One :: By C. Gray Adams

***There is a special message here and at the end of this article. ***I believe the book of Revelation is to be interpreted literally, and symbolism is to be used only when the author specifies it. With this in mind, the following begins to describe how I interpret the plight of the Tribulation Saints. Part […]

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Prosperity Gospel: Creator of Laodicean Church :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Prosperity Gospel: Creator of Laodicean Church :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

In a companion article, the prosperity gospel was cited as the cause of multiplied millions turning back toward the world, just like Lot’s Wife turned back toward her former home. [1] As noted by Jesus, Lot’s wife lost her life by turning back toward Sodom because she wished to ‘save her life’ there (Luke 17:32-33). […]

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