Is God’s foreknowledge of the future dynamic?
Is God’s foreknowledge of the future dynamic, not static like when the future of Nineveh was changed?
Is God’s foreknowledge of the future dynamic, not static like when the future of Nineveh was changed?
5) Understanding the 7 dispensations from eternal past to eternal future – Finis J. Dake (GPFM Lesson 1,2,3)
End Time Future Prophecies & Prophecies Already Fulfilled This specific page on the website was created in 2008. Last UPDATED/EDITED April 5, 2017. I…
ARE FUTURE SINS FORGIVEN? #Pentecostal #Christian #CHURCH Marc Alfano Hebrews 10:10,14,18. Mark 1:4,8 (I could go on all night- this is a start) Hope…
Here is an excellent predictive piece by Robby Waddell (professor at SEU) on the future of Pentecostal research. Not only do I agree with…
Seriously, how do you people that believe God knows every detail of everything from eternity past, not also believe that the future is completely…
10 predictions about the future Church and shifting attendance patterns via @ChristianWeek David Lewayne Porter [03/16/2016 6:25 AM] Nice one my brother and…
I cannot find a scripture in the bible that states God has forgiven your future sins, can someone help me out ?? Marc Alfano…
The Seers were there, seeing the future and proclaiming it to the present through nothing less than a prophetic presence. For the Seers must…
<a href=””><img class=”alignleft size-large wp-image-71647″ src=”×876.jpg” alt=”NEW_israel_map” width=”680″ height=”581″ /></a> <strong>Is the beginning of the end of the world upon us? Well, that depends…
America’s Future is in Yehovah’s hands. No matter if you believe in the Shemitah or not. John Kissinger [09/01/2015 12:22 AM]SUPER MOON tonight Cindy…
Today Richard Thornhill covers more of the development of the Church. Today part B A new day had dawned of reformation, which not…