
Israel’s Future Restoration & Our Glorious Hope :: By Jonathan Brentner

Israel’s Future Restoration & Our Glorious Hope :: By Jonathan Brentner

“Israel’s future guarantees our salvation.” Amir Tsarfati began his sermon with these words while speaking a few years ago at Calvary Chapel Church in Kaneohe, Hawaii, JD Farag’s church. As I listened to his message and thought about his startling claim, I realized his assertion was totally correct. In my book, The Triumph of the […]

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Scanning a Fearful Future XI :: By Terry James

Scanning a Fearful Future XI :: By Terry James

“Scanning a Fearful Future Part 10” (the conclusion of the series) was completed early in 2011. We’ve revisited that series of articles on two additional occasions, I believe. I am convicted that here, in September 2022, it’s time again to look ahead—”scan”—into the ever-deepening march of humanity toward the consummation of this Genesis 6-like age. […]

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