Did Adam & Eve have FREE WILL?
Did Adam & Eve have FREE WILL and how does this affect Calvinistic TOTAL DEPRAVITY? The “second skin” provided by the Lord figuratively replaced…
Did Adam & Eve have FREE WILL and how does this affect Calvinistic TOTAL DEPRAVITY? The “second skin” provided by the Lord figuratively replaced…
FREE WILL to BELIEVE and be SAVED in JOHN 1:11-13 (see also 1st John 5:1; Acts 13:48) He came to His own, and those…
The Spirituality of the Gospel of John by D. A. Carson To Download MP3 files of this overview of the Gospel of John, right…
God’s free choice “Election” simply means “a choice.” The Christian doctrine of election involves a choice made by God. For Karl Barth, this doctrine…
BibleWorks 10 — OT & NT Hebrew audio available via download FREE for a limited time CrossTheology [01/27/2016 1:28 AM]Please send this to my…
Charles Page [10/14/2015 12:40 PM]trying to understand if Mike is open theist or moderated Calvinism – he seems to going against Arminianism. Link Hudson…
Should ministry conferences charge or be free? Roger David [09/03/2015 5:34 PM]Ministry conferences should be free or not happen at all. In fact..let’s shut…
FREE Crisis Intervention and Supportive Services for #Chattanooga Attention CAPA Members! In response to the recent shootings in Chattanooga on Thursday of this week,…
For a limited time the inspiring book “God Revealed” is FREE at Amazon
AFDI with a NEW FREE SPEECH BILLBOARD FEATURING MUHAMMAD John Kissinger [06/09/2015 7:03 AM]American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) has announced a new billboard campaign…
Steve Wright HT602ON Historical Theology 2 November 17, 2014 Introduction Doctrine is critical because what you believe will determine how you live. Therefore, the…
Free Will John Wesley John Kissinger [03/18/2015 1:22 PM] Why I’m Not a Calvinist? Steve Wright [03/18/2015 1:55 PM] I’ve read this. Great book….