
Isolate from Culture or Fight It?

Isolate from Culture or Fight It?

Pinchas Shir talks about the Essenes in this episode, but if you want more details, enroll in our course  The Shadow of the Essenes in the New Testament. We spend this episode talking about why the Essenes refused to worship at the Temple in J…

"Worthwhile fight" in 2 Timothy 4:7

"Worthwhile fight" in 2 Timothy 4:7

In 2 Timothy 4:7 (and 1 Timothy 6:12) there’s a famous phrase "fight the good fight." I can find a number of examples (here, here, and possibly here) where this seems to be quoted as "worthwhile fight" or "well wor…


1. When you go out to kill giants, your brothers will accuse pride and guile (1 Samuel 17:28). Get out to kill giants nonetheless….