
The Extreme Truth – By Steve Schmutzer

The Extreme Truth – By Steve Schmutzer

Biden’s fiery and unhinged speech at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, was missing something. It lacked its original 1940’s German translation. Against a dramatic backdrop of glowing red lights and imposing dark shadows, and flanked by stoic square-shouldered military personnel, Biden unleashed a torrent of venom and anger against those people he called “dangerous threats.” The imagery and […]

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Extreme Weather in Prophecy: Part 1 of 3 :: By Nathan Jones

Extreme Weather in Prophecy: Part 1 of 3 :: By Nathan Jones

According to Genesis 1, at the beginning of human history at the Creation, everything that exists was made by God to be originally perfect. But then, sin entered and corrupted everything, so God placed a curse upon the world (Genesis 3). Mankind has long awaited the restoration of the Creation, which will happen upon Christ’s […]

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