The Miracle at the Eastern Gate | Perry Stone
There is a prophecy concerning the Eastern Gate in Jerusalem that was fulfilled – that many are unaware! See and hear it NOW! #perrystone…
There is a prophecy concerning the Eastern Gate in Jerusalem that was fulfilled – that many are unaware! See and hear it NOW! #perrystone…
576 Book Reviews Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović and Radmila R. Radić (eds.),Orthodox Christian Renewal Movements in Eastern Europe(Cham,CH: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). 339 pp. $149.99 hardback….
By God’s grace, several Middle Eastern pastors of the Assembly of Loving God (ALG) churches of Bibles for Mideast baptised 94 former Muslims in…
The national conference of the Bulgarian Chaplaincy Association took place on the Bakadjik Mountain near the town of Yambol. Founding members gathered for an…