Easter vs. Christmas
Check Your Church Influence Reach Paula Thomas [04/01/2015 8:38 PM]Paula Thomas liked this on Facebook. Glenda Loftis [04/03/2015 1:23 AM]Glenda Loftis liked this on…
Check Your Church Influence Reach Paula Thomas [04/01/2015 8:38 PM]Paula Thomas liked this on Facebook. Glenda Loftis [04/03/2015 1:23 AM]Glenda Loftis liked this on…
Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For Catholics,…
A curious contradiction happens nearly every year. Virtually all the Christian world will observe the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in unison, on…
If There Had Been No Easter by Adrian Rogers This morning would you take God’s word and turn with me to I Corinthians 15….
When putting together a video that powerfully moves people the most important element to that video is a great audio track. The following project…
HOW DO WE TODAY DETERMINE EASTER? Luchen Bailey The Sun that God created controls the day of Easter. The annual Christian festival in commemoration…
Prepared by Very Reverend Archimandrite Alexander Kile. The Easter Egg has many meanings The white color, represents the white marble tomb, where Jesus Christ’s…