
Death Throes :: By Daymond Duck

Death Throes :: By Daymond Duck

On Oct. 29, 2022, I received an e-mail from Brighteon that said: “Europe dies from here forward, and it doesn’t recover for generations.” “It’s done.” “Almost nobody realizes this yet, but the dominoes are already falling.” “Europe is rapidly plunging into a continent on a collision course with total collapse: no industry, no supply chains, […]

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Undefeated :: By Daymond Duck

Undefeated :: By Daymond Duck

In 2015, following a home football game, Washington State Bremerton High School assistant football coach, Joe Kennedy, went to the 50-yard line to kneel and pray with fans and students as he had done many times before. An employee of a different school witnessed the event and complained; Kennedy was suspended, and his coaching contract […]

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Netanyahu said he will do everything in his power to stop Iran

The phrase “Stupid is as stupid does” became famous in 1994 with a movie called Forrest Gump. (Note: I do not like the word “stupid.” It sounds unchristian, but readers will understand it better than “A reprobate mind is as a reprobate mind does.”) Most Bible prophecy teachers are aware that the World Health Organization […]

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This Is Reality, Not a Conspiracy Theory :: By Daymond Duck

This Is Reality, Not a Conspiracy Theory :: By Daymond Duck

Concerning world government: on Apr. 13, 2023, The Gateway Pundit posted an article by Joe Hoft, author, and contributor to their website, concerning a Steve Bannon interview of Michele Bachmann on The War Room. Hoft reported that Michele Bachmann (attorney, Dean of Robertson School of Government at Regent Univ., first Republican woman to be elected […]

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You May Soon Have a Credit Score :: By Daymond Duck

You May Soon Have a Credit Score :: By Daymond Duck

Concerning tracking of all buying and selling: on Apr. 26, 2023, it was reported that Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, said the World Health Organization (WHO) is promoting a vaccine passport that has the same digital platform as China’s social credit system. It can identify people by their face scan; […]

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Global Tracking and Computerized Censorship :: By Daymond Duck

Global Tracking and Computerized Censorship :: By Daymond Duck

It was recently reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants a system of people and Artificial Intelligence (AI; computers that are programmed to think like humans) to track and censor “misinformation” and “hate speech” all over the world. According to the report, Twitter only monitors information on Twitter; Facebook only monitors information on Facebook; […]

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No Sitting Duck :: By Edwin Tan

No Sitting Duck :: By Edwin Tan

It was like elective surgery with little joy. One year before the COVID carnage erupted, I sauntered into the shell of my stomping ground. The road, which began with a gentle climb, had an out-of-place feel – much like an aftermath of a Mexican divorce. The narrow-gauge single railway line that hugged this avenue was […]

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Dividing America Plus Red Heifers in Israel :: By Daymond Duck

Dividing America Plus Red Heifers in Israel :: By Daymond Duck

I want to open with a special request: One of Rapture Ready’s well-known prophecy writers (and a great one at that), Geri Ungurean, has health issues that are getting worse (severe osteoporosis, perhaps collapsing spine, much pain). Please pray for her and her family. Thank you. In early Sept. 2022, Pres. Biden characterized MAGA Republicans […]

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America in Danger: The Political mirage of the Left: Anti-Americanism

The Fundamental Transformation of America

On Oct. 30, 2008, Pres. candidate Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” When Joe Biden took office in 2020 (legally or illegally), he filled several positions in his administration with former Obama aides. Now, the fundamental transformation of America is almost complete. Concerning world government […]

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