Trump administration decision on school bathrooms
A Trump administration decision on school bathrooms changes everything for a Supreme Court case pitting transgender student rights against other students’ privacy rights
A Trump administration decision on school bathrooms changes everything for a Supreme Court case pitting transgender student rights against other students’ privacy rights
What do you think is actually going on 1 Kings 22: 19-23. For me God has decided the king needs to die and asks…
Repenting, becoming a disciple and being a witness is one decision. -Steve Land at Dr R. H. Gause’s funeral Timothy Carter [09/10/2015 4:21 AM]…
Supreme Court decision: Laying off 40,000 military personnel at bases across the country over the next 2 years John Kissinger [07/14/2015 10:02 AM]http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/would-clinton-or-bush-be-the-christian-choice-in-2016/ Caroline…
4 Steps to avoid a lawsuit after U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage [by Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company] This is the ONLY reasonable…
“Apocalyptic Harbinger-Concealed and Now Revealed” message by Perry Stone that was shared LIVE on DAYSTAR is now available on DVD! This is perhaps the…