
Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Last week we talked about the obviously Jewish saturated context of Acts 1-5. We concluded noting the insider language Peter used when he quotes from the prophet Joel. But Peter also uses the Psalms. I wanted to start the conversation this wee…

On the Biblical Significance of Five

On the Biblical Significance of Five

In Genesis 43:34, we learn that Benjamin was served five times as much food as his brothers were.
Later, in Gen. 45:22, we read that Joseph, instead of giving Benjamin "a change" of clothes, as he did his other brothers, gave him…

Does Jesus misquote Psalm 8:2?

Does Jesus misquote Psalm 8:2?

But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things
that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to
the son of David!” they were indignant, and they said to him, “Do you
hear what these are sayi…

America: Once like David – Now like Cain :: By C. Gray Adams

America: Once like David – Now like Cain :: By C. Gray Adams

David, like all of us, made mistakes. At times, he failed miserably. In one instance, David’s failure cost the life of 70,000 men (2 Sam 24). However, every time David came to understand his transgressions, he was quick to repent and take the necessary actions to appease God. Cain, on the other hand, was not […]

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