Pentecostal ministers gorge on Dake’s Bible
A lot of Pentecostal ministers already gorged on Dake’s Bible (not the Holy Bible) also gorged themselves on Plain truth Magazine as their “prophecy…
A lot of Pentecostal ministers already gorged on Dake’s Bible (not the Holy Bible) also gorged themselves on Plain truth Magazine as their “prophecy…
Dealing with DAKE’s Teachings http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Dake-Annotated-Reference-Bible-KJV-001-940×767.jpg #Pentecostal #Christian #CHURCH
Dealing with Biblically-Incorrect Heretical Teachings: Death Before Adam Sinned, Two Creations, and the Other Theological Heresies of Old-Earth Apologist Finis Jennings Dake According to…