5 Reasons You are Not a Growing Church
1. Leadership It’s been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. Perhaps a more accurate way of putting it would be that no…
1. Leadership It’s been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. Perhaps a more accurate way of putting it would be that no…
Was the Church predestined for salvation or holiness according to Eph.1:4? Betty Gilliam [07/05/2015 4:30 PM] Through salvation we are enabled to live holy….
The #REVIVAL we need in the #CHURCH today Charles Page [08/14/2015 12:04 PM] we need a revival that will lead the church today out…
It seems that every other day or so the subject of homosexuality comes up on this site and the attitude and the blanket condemnation…
Hi guys, hope you can help me? Me and my family fellowship at a very traditional style church (brethren roots) and we feel it…
National church survey reveals important data about the state of the church in America today The survey has been conducted for the past two…
Something to think about. In recent weeks a lot has been said about the “Starbucks Coffee issue”. 1) Churches Would Have Stellar Signage 2) Churches…
‘God’s Not Dead 2’ Movie Misrepresented Church v. State Conflicts Condescending Christians Thanks Henry Volk for the idea!
Does your church use professional security guards a.k.a. church guards and how are they used in your area of ministry? #ourCOG • Church security as…
Dealing with DAKE’s Teachings http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Dake-Annotated-Reference-Bible-KJV-001-940×767.jpg #Pentecostal #Christian #CHURCH
I am proud of my Church of God Pentecostal Heritage in McMinnville, Tennessee. The beginning was a tent set up in our “wicked little…