Kings Court has new Christian songbooks and CD’s for your church worship
Kings Court has new Christian songbooks and CD’s for your church worship services. Our catalog at Song Select includes 195 songs registered with CCLI…
Kings Court has new Christian songbooks and CD’s for your church worship services. Our catalog at Song Select includes 195 songs registered with CCLI…
Ginger Thornsberry Brockman [02/25/2015 9:08 PM]Ginger Thornsberry Brockman liked this on Facebook.
So far, we’ve heard from many Assemblies of God and Church of God ministers and theologians in this group. We have not heard many…
“There were about as many white congregations as African American congregations in the Church of God in Christ during the first few years following…
What does Rev. 19: 7-8 mean if the Church is not the femanine gender? (Finis J. Dake)
Chairman of the Department for external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate (DECR) Metropolitan Hilarion, speaking before students of the Faculty of theology of…
BARNA GROUP: Top 12 Issues the Church Wants to Hear #ourCOG 1. Abortion: Beginning of life, right to life, contraception, adoption, unwed mothers. 91%…
Alerts for ORTHODOX MISSION IN THE EUROPEAN diaspora BULGARIAN CHURCH can be read in the following publication: Hristo P. Berov, Orthodox mission in the…
Not to speculate with the Church, which we represent, subtitled: We are a group in the Bulgarian Orthodox Christians, who have concluded the Concordat…
“REMEMBER: the Bible Never Mentions A Building Called “Church” Jesus never commanded anyone to build a building. He taught a Kingdom not a building…
Earlier this fall I read, “Quest to Restore God’s House” by Wade H.Phillips, this is a history of the Pentecostal movement in and around…
My hometown church McMinnville, Tennessee Church of God (Locust Street Church of God) is celebrating their 100 year anniversary, 1915-2015 and the COGOP broke…