
The Proactive Church

The Proactive Church

We’ve all heard the old saying, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” This phrase simply means if something is working adequately, leave it alone. Unfortunately, this phrase is inherently limiting to whoever applies it. As church leaders, one of the primar…

Church government(s): Who’s right?

Church government(s): Who’s right? The New Testament offers some guidance for church government, but different churches have developed it in different ways. Craig tries to summarize some…

Another Look: Conditions in the World and the Church:: By Ron Ferguson

Another Look: Conditions in the World and the Church:: By Ron Ferguson

We don’t have to labor the point of how bad things are outside the Christian framework. We all know that, the readers and contributors of RaptureReady. The world’s agenda is fast in decline in its philosophy and its direction. I am appalled at the wicked Marxist leadership in my own State and in my nation […]

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