
It says in Mark chapter 13

It says in Mark chapter 13

It says in Mark chapter 13, verse 6, that when the disciples asked the Lord Jesus what omens there would be for His second…

Second chapter of Ruth

Second chapter of Ruth

Today we look at the second chapter of Ruth. The second chapter opens with Ruth going to the field to glean ears of corn,…

We find the Harvest

In the 3rd chapter we find the Harvest is over and Naomi decides that Ruth needs to remarry, and Boaz she believes to be…

Chapter 4  with Boaz…

Chapter 4 with Boaz…

Today we look at chapter 4. It begins with Boaz making preparations for the completion of the redemption process and now he heads for…

Matthew Chapter 15

Matthew Chapter 15 1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, 2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition…