
Absent from the Body and Present with the Lord :: By Candy Austin

Absent from the Body and Present with the Lord :: By Candy Austin

In a changing world where people are becoming more and more unfriendly, unkind, and just plain downright rude, it is pretty rare to find a person who will leave mainly positive impressions and memories behind. Throughout my lifetime, only about a dozen or so people have left such a fond imprint, which is why I […]

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Breaking Free from this World’s Mind Control :: By Candy Austin

Breaking Free from this World’s Mind Control :: By Candy Austin

Romans 8:5-6 “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Have you ever heard an authority figure tell a young person, […]

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It’s All About Being a Good Person: Or Is It? :: By Candy Austin

It’s All About Being a Good Person: Or Is It? :: By Candy Austin

In light of some recent celebrity deaths, the subject of one’s personhood during their lifetime tends to come into focus. I admit that I often try to look up and find out what their religion, faith, and/or beliefs were in trying to assess the one of two places they may be spending their eternity. Matthew […]

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