Knowing the Perfect Will and His High Calling
Preaching the Gospel to All Nations
Preaching the Gospel to All Nations
PneumaReview.com speaks with Dave Johnson about the publication of his book, Answering God’s Call: Reflections of a Veteran Missionary in Asia. Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers how you came to understand that the Lord was calling you into missions. Dave Johnson: I was in the Navy when God called me to the ministry. […]
John 10:14-18; “I am the Good Shepherd. I know My own, and My own know Me, just as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will […]
The post He Is Calling – It’s Up to You :: By Dennis Huebshman appeared first on Rapture Ready.
49 God Calling: Women in Assemblies of God Missions Barbara Cavaness Pentecostals have always believed strongly in the concept of the call of God….
PneumaReview.com speaks with Dave Johnson about the publication of his book, Answering God’s Call: Reflections of a Veteran Missionary in Asia. Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers how you came to understand that the Lord was calling you into missions. Dave Johnson: I was in the Navy when God called me to the ministry. […]
Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching about the most important part of a Christian’s life. http://www.prayerfaithministry.com
Irony is when “Christians” refuse to celebrate Christmas calling it “satanic” and “pagan” as they actually join the pagans, satanists, secularists, atheists, and other…
People are not going to like this but 2018 will be the year of repentance and there will NOT be national revival. It is…
John Kerry’s hour long speech calling for a two state solution should have the attention of every Pentecostal leader. The following is unverified but…
Thank you God for calling me! When I was dead in sin you called out to me, and you found me. Anybody in this…
Ministry brings pressure unique to the calling