
Bible Prophecy Update: Psalm 10 – Past Predicts Future :: Gary W. Ritter

Bible Prophecy Update: Psalm 10 – Past Predicts Future :: Gary W. Ritter

Update: 10-12-22 God knows that the sin in this world is overwhelming. He understands that, in our flesh, we have no resources at our disposal and no strength with which to overcome anything that comes at us. God, in His wisdom, saw beforehand where our having eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good […]

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Messianic Ideas in the Hebrew Bible

Messianic Ideas in the Hebrew Bible

Professor Israel Knohl is the Yehezkel Kaufmann Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University and a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. He recently sat down with Dr. Yeshaya Gruber to talk about his new book Th…

The ‘Black Sheep’ of Bible Prophecy :: By Mark A. Becker

The ‘Black Sheep’ of Bible Prophecy :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction While not exactly an autobiography I had ever envisioned for myself, truly, through my own studies of the Scriptures for over a quarter of a century, I have found myself to be The ‘Black Sheep’ of Bible Prophecy! During the first 15 years or so of intensive Bible study, I devoured many excellent books, […]

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The Spirit in the Hebrew Bible

The Spirit in the Hebrew Bible

Find out more about Dr. Jack Levison HEREThis conversation focuses primarily on Dr. Levison’s book A Boundless God: The Spirit According to the Old Testament.You can listen HERE to the whole RTT called Spirit and Man in Ancient Judaism.Find ou…

A Bible Shaped by Trauma

A Bible Shaped by Trauma

Dr. David M. Carr (Union Theological Seminary, New York) is a leading scholar on the textual formation of the Hebrew Bible. His books include: Holy Resilience: The Bible’s Traumatic Origins; The Formation of the Hebrew Bible: A New Reconstruct…

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy? :: By Jonathan Brentner

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy? :: By Jonathan Brentner

Ruth, my wife, and I have a cat named Adaline. On the surface, one might wonder why she has captured our hearts. I don’t fully understand why I’m so attached to her, although she is cute. She most often demands her own way and audibly grumbles when that doesn’t happen. Adaline exhibits “management qualities” when […]

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