Wild and Weird: William J Seymour, Azusa Street and Early Pentecostalism
Wild and Weird: William J Seymour, Azusa Street and Early Pentecostalism as Reported by the Los Angeles Secular Newspapers Wild and Weird is a…
Wild and Weird: William J Seymour, Azusa Street and Early Pentecostalism as Reported by the Los Angeles Secular Newspapers Wild and Weird is a…
Psalm 78:4 declares: “We will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We will tell of His power and the…
FORGOTTEN ROOTS OF THE AZUSA STREET REVIVAL Stanley H. Frodsham quotes Pastor Swan’s claim to having spoken in tongues in 1875. Swan speaks of…
FORGOTTEN ROOTS OF THE AZUSA STREET REVIVAL by Dr. Harold D. Hunter Writing during the glow of the Azusa Street revival, V.P. Simmons claimed…
Speaking in Tongues in America Prior to the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 (Diamonds in the Rough-N-Ready Series) #ourCOG Henry Volk [03/12/2016 8:09 AM]https://theologyinperspective.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/the-origins-of-modern-tongue-speech-part-1/…
Lucy F. Farrow: The Forgotten Apostle of the Azusa Street Revival Lucy F. Farrow was Baptized in the Spirit on September 6, 1905 after…
Watch Live (Media) Charles Page [10/27/2015 7:05 PM]Timothy Carter, wave in the camera for me!!! Charles Page [10/27/2015 7:07 PM]https://twitter.com/cogheritage/status/658999650716897280 Charles Page [10/27/2015 7:29…
From Azusa to Cleveland: Dr. Estrelda Alexander to Present Azusa Lecture http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=bfc2891e-8a23-488e-b34d-634789a95de2&c=6aa96c30-78ec-11e3-b5bf-d4ae527548e1&ch=6bec7380-78ec-11e3-b622-d4ae527548e1