What Are You Celebrating? :: By Nathele Graham

What Are You Celebrating? :: By Nathele Graham

There’s no doubt about it. People enjoy celebrating. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduation, retirement, and more. Then there are the big celebrations like Christmas and Thanksgiving. These are all happy occasions which should be celebrated with friends and family. God wants us to enjoy life, but He also wants us to use discernment in how and […]

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Pews That Are Pathways to Perdition :: By Edwin Tan

Pews That Are Pathways to Perdition :: By Edwin Tan

My sojourn in the hospital did not have a shortage of enthralling moments. They were of therapeutic significance; the recovery from a life-threatening pulmonary embolism was indeed fast-tracked. More noteworthy was my spiritual growth; it was by leaps and bounds as far as walking with the Lord mattered. Individuals from various walks of life would […]

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In The Last Days: Where on Earth Are We Heading? :: By Ron Ferguson

In The Last Days: Where on Earth Are We Heading? :: By Ron Ferguson

This is a biblical term found four times in the New Testament in the NASB. Only two of these will concern us in this message. They are: 2Timothy 3:1 “Realize this, that IN THE LAST DAYS difficult times will come.” And 2Peter 3:3 “Know this first of all, that IN THE LAST DAYS mockers will […]

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Where Are the USA and the World Headed? :: By Gene Lawley

Where Are the USA and the World Headed? :: By Gene Lawley

Recently I had an article posted that tied together the history of money with the age-old warfare between God and Satan. I titled the article “The Felonious Fiber of Fraudulent Factions” to show that the opposition to God was of evil origin with subtle intentions for control of mankind and world domination. The article just […]

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Are Matthew 21:9 and Matthew 23:39 out of order?

Are Matthew 21:9 and Matthew 23:39 out of order?

The background verse here is this:

[Psa 118:26 NKJV] (26) Blessed [is] he who comes in the name of the LORD! We have blessed you from the house of the LORD.

The fulfillment appears here:

[Mat 21:1-11 NKJV] (1) Now when they drew near Je…

Are You Weary of Being Outraged? :: By Jan Markell

Are You Weary of Being Outraged? :: By Jan Markell

Outraged At Wicked Men, Corruption, Lies, and Destructive Schemes I recently received the following e-mail from Karen that sums up the way many are feeling today. She writes: “Would you please present a radio show to encourage your listeners who are discouraged and made doubtful by rampant evil and the delayed rapture of the church?” […]

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Acts 15: Are Gentiles Allowed in the Church?

Acts 15: Are Gentiles Allowed in the Church?

How is the message about a God who made covenants with a particular people in a particular land move into the gentile world? This was a perplexing issue for the early church, and the early Jewish leaders used the book of Leviticus to help solv…