Are there any Pre-trib representatives on the board of…
Are there any Pre-tribulation representatives on the Admin board of this page?
Are there any Pre-tribulation representatives on the Admin board of this page?
There are some people who believe nature to be the all providing parent of life — terming her “Mother Nature.” That is imbecility to…
BELIEF THAT THERE ARE PROPHETS IN THE CHURCH TODAY IS SUPERFLUOUS. There are very many sincere Christian folks who believe that they are prophets…
ARE YOU A FOOLISH CHRISTIAN – Ray E Horton Are you a foolish Christian? I was at one time, thinking that after being saved…
Just so that we are clear….
What an evil world! No less than 75 percent of North Koreans who are persecuted die for their faith, according to North Korean defectors….
Repentance and all the other conditional Ifs are all commandments. But except God give you the power, you can’t do it. The same God…
Ye Must Be Born Again. To then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but…
THE WATERS ARE RISING – Ray E Horton A Vision and Prophetic Word We had a time of quiet prayer at Lake Erie Church…
-The Beginning of Sorrows has Begun. -The Rumours of War Statue now rides in Virginia -Now its Kingdom against Kingdom. -Woe unto the Earth,…
My question ultimately concerns falling away from Christ due to repeated sin issues. I’m curious if Matthew 13:7, Romans 8:13 and James 1:15 connect and describe what has happened…
Technically, if you are paying tithing based on your gross income for 2020 and you do get a tax return next year of $1,200 (or more), then you wouldn’t need to pay any tithing on this stimulus since you are…