
Wildfires, Trains, and UFOs:: By Jim Towers

Wildfires, Trains, and UFOs:: By Jim Towers

We recently had a wildfire nearby that consumed many acres of woodland and two houses, plus we lost the internet for three days running, and even as I write this observation (3/1/2023), it is still not up. Although I’ve learned to take most inconveniences in stride, this happening couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient […]

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Kabbalah and New Testament Texts

Kabbalah and New Testament Texts

Many readers of the Bible may be unfamiliar with Kabbalah, but what can it add to our understanding of the Bible? Is it even an appropriate way to study the Bible? This week we look at how Paul uses mystical language and we will conclude with …

The Issue of Women and Ordination

The Issue of Women and Ordination

In this video I discuss the history relating to the ordination of women in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, as well as through church…

Thomas Aquinas And Prophecy

Thomas Aquinas And Prophecy

THOMAS AQUINAS by James AND PROPHECY G. King, Jr. of spiritual gifts tends to be portrayed by alternative; modern charismata The doctrine Pentecostals as…

Sheol, Gehenna, and Hell: Are they the same?

Sheol, Gehenna, and Hell: Are they the same?

The original conversation is now a part of the IBC course called Jews and Greek on Life and Afterlife which also includes conversations about questions of origin, afterlife, and resurrection. Enroll HERETo explore more about Hebrew poetry, enr…