THE ” DAY OF THE LORD ” , EXPLAiNED 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day…
THE ” DAY OF THE LORD ” , EXPLAiNED 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day…
INTRODUCTION In this essay we will look into how a pastor who already has worked for 20 years in the ministry without seeing a…
2) Simplicity of the Bible – Finis J. Dake (GPFM Lesson 1,2,3)
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Dave Mathewson on NT Literature This is the thirty-seventh of thirty-eight videos on New Testament History, Literature and Theology…
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Roger Green on Reformation to the Present Dr. Roger Green has a Ph.D. in theology from Boston College, and…
What is your view of this scripture?2 Peter 3:12 KJVS [12] Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein…
What 2 things take place before the second coming of the Lord? (Finis J. Dake)
More than 70% of pastors do not have a close friend with whom they can openly share their struggles. The dominant cause for pastors…