Stupid Is as Stupid Does :: By Daymond Duck

Stupid Is as Stupid Does :: By Daymond Duck

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The phrase “Stupid is as stupid does” became famous in 1994 with a movie called Forrest Gump.

(Note: I do not like the word “stupid.” It sounds unchristian, but readers will understand it better than “A reprobate mind is as a reprobate mind does.”)

Most Bible prophecy teachers are aware that the World Health Organization (WHO) is drafting an International Pandemic Treaty and the WHO is asking for the Director-General to be empowered to declare public health emergencies and require global obedience to WHO policies.

Giving control of the healthcare of everyone on earth to one person will put all of us in great danger, but this week, it was reported that Pres. Biden said he will sign that treaty when it is released.

As I understand it, the International Pandemic Treaty is already several dozen pages long, it is almost finished but not finished yet, and Biden has already said he will sign it.

Why would he agree to sign a document that will impact the lives and healthcare of every American while it is still being changed?

Please excuse me for saying it, but “stupid is as stupid does.”

Consider what happened on Nov. 23, 2022.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), spent about 7 hours answering questions in a lawsuit filed by the Attorneys General in 2 states: Louisiana and Missouri.

During questioning, Fauci admitted that the idea of an economic lockdown of the U.S. came from Communist China.

Instead of obeying the Constitution of the U.S., Fauci decided to imitate Communist China, and that:

  • Caused billions of dollars of economic damage to the U.S.
  • Caused small business owners to lose their business.
  • Caused schools to shut down and students to stay home.
  • Caused a decline in Church attendance and some to not return.
  • Led to vaccination requirements that caused healthcare workers and others to be fired, military people to be dismissed, citizens to have adverse reactions including death, strokes, and other disabilities.
  • Led to treatments being forbidden (Ivermectin, etc.) that could have saved lives.
  • Led to people losing freedom of speech.
  • And more.

Fauci’s decision to imitate Communist China and ignore the laws of the U.S. shows the danger of putting too much power into the hands of one person.

Nevertheless, the International Pandemic Treaty is expected to empower one person to control the healthcare of everyone on earth, and one person called the Antichrist will rise over the New World Order.

The creation of a world government without the Lord God Jehovah is leading to major mistakes.

We are now being told we will own nothing and be happy and that those who cannot afford to eat traditional foods should learn to eat bugs and worms.

I will not say I will never get hungry enough to eat bugs and worms, but I will say that I find the thought repulsive.

I prefer that our nation change leaders and that the Church returns to God.

The following stories seem to indicate that we are getting close.

One, concerning reprobate minds: I recently reported that America’s national debt now exceeds $31 trillion, inflation is higher than it has been in about 40 years, America is running low on weapons for its military, America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves are low, the lines at food banks are increasing, several major cities could run out of water next year, etc., and Biden’s State Dept. sent $20,600 to a cultural center in Ecuador to fund 12 Drag Queen shows, 3 gay workshops, and a short documentary.

On Nov. 27, 2022, it was reported that the Biden State Dept. has given $50,000 to promote transgender rights in India.

(My opinion: This continued support for unbiblical acts says a lot about the spiritual decline of America and the morals at our White House and State Dept.)

Two, concerning a departure from the faith and false teaching in the Church: on Nov. 27, 2022, it was reported that a speaker with a PhD degree told worshippers at a University of Cambridge chapel service that the spear wound in Jesus’ side (John 19:34) looks like a vagina.

According to the report, the speaker was implying that Jesus died with a trans body and may have been a transgender person.

Following several complaints, the Dean of the college defended the message.

(My opinion: Some PhD degrees are worthless, and divinity students would do well to avoid schools that support the teaching of false doctrines.)

(Another opinion: There has always been a departure from the faith and false teaching in the Church, but it is a growing problem, as prophesied in the Bible.)

Three, concerning world government: world leaders, including the Biden administration, are cooperating with godless men to determine what the coming world government will be like.

These godless men are destroying western democracy and replacing it with a demonic system that is shaping up like the rule of Antichrist.

They have come out in the open and are no longer hiding what they have been doing behind the scenes for decades.

An excellent video by The People’s Voice (8 min. and 51 sec.) allows viewers to hear World Economic Forum (WEF) leaders Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari make the following stupid statements (I apologize for the word “stupid,” but that is my honest opinion of what these 2 evil men have said). They said:

  • God is dead.
  • Jesus is fake news.
  • WEF leaders have acquired divine powers to rule over humanity (stupid).
  • The New One-World Religion has arrived, and it unites all of humanity in worshipping at the altar of climate science, techno-communism, and eugenics.
  • The WEF has been so successful in its plans that it is acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction.
  • The WEF is upgrading humans into gods.
  • If you read between the lines just a little, it’s clear the WEF is consciously attempting to supplant Jesus.
  • Humans do not have a soul; they are hackable animals that do not have the capacity of free will.
  • The World Economic Forum has spent decades quietly infiltrating democratically elected governments, penetrating cabinets, and wielding an outsized influence on the world from the corridors of Schwab’s Swiss hideout in Davos.

Here is a link to the video: [Editor’s Note: When clicking on this link, a message comes up that says, “This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”]

The WEF global reset is leading the world into depravity, death panels, depopulation, and total control of everyone on earth.

Four, concerning world government: on Nov. 25, 2022, it was reported that Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said, “We are moving toward global governance for the good of the planet. We need global cooperation to combat climate issues.”

Klaus Schwab was asked what global governance would look like, and he replied, “China.”

Five, concerning China: on Nov. 28, 2022, it was reported that massive protests have broken out in many Chinese cities (worse than any other in more than 30 years) over China’s Zero-Covid lockdown policy.

Waves of dissenters are protesting being locked in their houses for more than 3 months, the loss of work, food shortages, lack of medicine, and other grievances.

The police are using tear gas and batons, arresting demonstrators, and banning people on social media, but the protestors are fighting back, busting through barricades, wrestling with police, demanding the resignation of Pres. Xi, etc.

This should tell us something about the kind of world government the WEF wants for everyone on earth.

  • On Mar. 6, 2018, it was reported that China was evaluating a program that required every citizen to have a National ID number and a Social Credit Score.
  • Every citizen was being tracked, and their Social Credit Score went up or down based on what groups they belonged to, what they bought, what they read, the websites they browsed, what others said about them, etc.
  • A high Social Credit Score meant the person was a good citizen.
  • A low credit Social Credit Score meant the person was not a good citizen.
  • People with high Social Credit Scores were rewarded by letting them have better jobs, live in better houses, send their children to better schools, etc.
  • People with low Social Credit Scores were given low-paying jobs and poorer housing, their children were sent to poorer schools, etc.
  • How much a person earned, what they could buy and sell, etc., will be based on their loyalty to the government.
  • During the test, millions of citizens were blacklisted.
  • Now we learn that Klaus Schwab wants this for everyone on earth.

Six, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Nov 23, 2022, it was reported that Israel’s presumptive Prime Min. Netanyahu said he will do everything in his power to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and the power to use them, even if it means straining Israeli ties with the U.S.

He added that if defending Israel against Iranian nuclear missiles means he must oppose U.S. policy, he will do it.

(Note: I have heard statements like this for so long that I am reluctant to write about it anymore, but I also believe that Netanyahu is more likely to follow through than his predecessors, and time is short.)

Seven, concerning hatred for the nation of Israel at the end of the age: on Nov. 23, 2022, terrorists exploded bombs at two locations (a crowded bus stop and at a bus station) that killed one student and injured scores of people.

Palestinian terrorists have used knives, guns, and car rammings to kill 29 people in Israel this year (many in Jerusalem), but this is the first time they have used bombs to kill and injure people in Jerusalem in nearly a decade.

Trump cut off funding to the Palestinians, but Biden has resumed it, and now terrorists are stepping up their violence.

It is disappointing that the U.S. is giving money to corrupt Palestinians that is being funneled to terrorists who are killing innocent Israeli men, women, and children, but it is a fact.

(More: On Nov. 27, 2022, it was reported that presumptive Israeli Prime Min. Benjamin Netanyahu has reached an agreement with other parties, and he will be able to establish a “right-wing government.” This government is expected to act with greater force against terrorism, to push harder for Jewish access to the Temple Mount, and to finally act against Iran’s efforts to get nuclear weapons even if the U.S. refuses to help.)

Eight, concerning God drawing the Jews back to Israel at the end of the age: on Nov. 18, 2022, it was reported that more than 61,000 people have immigrated to Israel this year (32,494 from Russia, 14,450 from Ukraine, 3,280 from North America, 1,957 from France, 1,750 from Belarus, 1,474 from Ethiopia, 1,000 from Argentina, 493 from the UK, 411 from South Africa, and others).

Nine, concerning the globalist desire to reduce the population of the earth: on Nov. 22, 2022, it was reported that Philippine leaders have rejected UN pressure to legalize abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, and divorce on the grounds that these things conflict with the nation’s values, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions.

According to the article, abortion is the number one cause of death worldwide (estimated to be between 42 to 73 million in the past year).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


The post Stupid Is as Stupid Does :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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