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- Territorial Spirits
- Spiritual Mapping
- Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare
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Some Christians believe they can determine which so-called Territorial Spirits are in charge of certain geographic areas.
This determination is made through an approach called Spiritual Mapping.
Once a map for a given area has been completed, it is used in so-called Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW).
[C. Peter Wagner] defines three levels of spiritual warfare: “Ground-level” involves casting demons out of individuals; “occult-level warfare” involves more organized “powers of darkness” [They target here New Age thought, Tibetan Buddhism, Freemasonry, etc.]; and “strategic-level warfare” directly “confronts ‘territorial spirits’ assigned by Satan to coordinate activities over a geographical area.”
– Source: Targeting cities with ‘spiritual mapping,’ prayer, by Jane Lampman, Christian Science Monitor, Sep. 23, 1999
While the Bible teaches the reality of spiritual warfare, the teachings and practices of C. Peter Wagner and his supporters range from extra-Biblical to un-Biblical.
Varnel Watson
so we come back to this very dear topic of ours @isara mo Link Hudson William DeArteaga do you use SLSW in prayer stations?
Isara Mo
Troy Day
There are canonicals in SLSW as there are rules and regulations in the natural armies of this world:
1.Don’t fight a war which is not there
2.Don’t engage the enemy if you are not given the go ahead by the Commander in Chief.You have authority to tread serpents and scorpions and overcome ALL the power of the enemy but if the Chief Commander who has the final say .Hasnt He said this ” By your self you CAN DO NOTHING..”
David inspite being a King with an army he will always inquire of the Lord “Should I attack?”
If the Lord has not told you ” Go and attack dont, There is lashback. …You might proclaim part b of Luke 10:19…..nothing shall harm me” but this will work as long as you play by the rules.
Engage the enemy only when the Commander gives the order…the battle is the Lords not yours.
Common sense show that nobody can contest against God .no power can withstand Him in heaven or on earth or in hell or out of hell.
So if he tells a man go attack..he had already seen the outcome.
A lot of people pray spiritual warfare prayers ignorantly not knowing the dangers there in.They put their hands into a hole full of vipers and expect the viper to flee because they are shouting proclamations or ” warfare scriptures”.
Revelation 12;7 says the dragon fought back…there are those who are erroneously taught that the devil is toothless and cannot touch you…he will seat in a corner like a dizzy boxer receiving your punches..
If that was true we would have seen victory in every area of our lives.
Touch the button and wow Abracadabra..everything falls in line..
I wish it was that theology shows it is not.
George Hartwell
When Christians get into ‘strategic spiritual warfare’ – a doctrine of demons – they get closer to the dangerous state of invoking demons. Christians who, in ignorance, bind demons will, too often, attract or invoke demons and come under attack. I have observed that Christians who invoke demons and territorial spirits by ‘binding’ them come under severe spiritual attack. This starts a vicious cycle. I have seen it in my life and in that of others and in the demise of a Christian counseling service here in Ontario.
Varnel Watson
get closer to the dangerous state of invoking demons IS very very right and not by burnt eggs either Link Hudson
Link Hudson
Troy Day ??
George Hartwell
Military equivalent is shooting yourself in the foot.
Varnel Watson
or special delta forces like Joe Absher
Joe Absher
Brother Mike a brother in the struggle
George Hartwell
I believe that Peter Wagner did the Body of Christ a great disservice with his teaching on Spiritual Warfare and focus on Satan’s power, Territorial spirits and encourage arrogant and out of line engagement of them by men. I would argue that it is a doctrine of demons and is putting the Body of Christ into defeat one Christian, one pastor and one congregation at a time. See John Paul Jackson, ‘Needless Casualties of War.’
William DeArteaga
I believe your assertion that it is a doctrine of demons it too strong. Yes, abuses in this ministry, but new ministries, as in the early inner helaing ministry, tend to make exaggerated claims.
Varnel Watson
I believe your assertion that it is a doctrine of demons it too wrong It is a doctrine of warfare against demons
George Hartwell
By their fruit you will know them. Talk to those who have followed Peter Wagner’s way. One town removed his books from the bookstore because of the division among churches that his methods caused. Anything that distorts the good enough to undermine its effectiveness is what I will label ‘doctrine of demons.’ If it creates a disaster – and the ‘binding’ approach does – then, in my books, it qualifies. Read for clarity, John Paul Jackson, Needless Casualties of War. However, Leanne Payne, Judson Cornwall also discovered how dangerous this arrogant practice is. If you need exact books and pages let me know. Judson Cornwall is Let Us Praise, page 71 ff.
Varnel Watson
Peter Wagner came up with that while doing missions work in S. America and encountering demonic attacks Cant put this with the rest of the blame on his theology and ministry
Link Hudson
Troy Day If a tribesman claps his hands when thunder peals does that mean he canclap his hands and (sometimes) it makes thunder?
I talked with a missionary to India who disagreed with Wagner’s use of his kind of ‘spiritual warfare’ in a certain region in India as an example. He said there were a lot of preachers doing good ministry work for a long time before there was a breakthrough. A group happened to do their ‘spiritual warfate’ thing before it happened then acted like that was the cause. He did not know about the other two examples.
Varnel Watson
are you calling on divine synergy?
Link Hudson
Troy Day I do not know what you mean.
George Hartwell
Let me put this clearly no one has been given authority to take on or binds territorial spirits. Jesus is the Lord of Hosts and commands the angels and he is in charge and we are not. We can participate in the victory through praise, worship and prophetic proclamation. Peter Wagner taught Christians to be arrogant and disobedient in a way that gave Satan and crew permission to decimate the Christian or congregation doing this. That, my friends, is why those into spiritual warfare will warn you that Satan will counter-attack. They have experienced the bad fruit of their demonic practices that are the result of the doctrine of demons thanks to Peter Wagner (no matter what his missionary experience.) By their fruit you will know them.
George Hartwell
I am not saying Peter was a bad man. He had lots of encouraging things to say. I am saying that binding Satan or binding territorial spirits puts one in jeopardy and very few realize why their life goes south (bad) after they started doing ‘spiritual warfare.’ The teaching is completely wrong and utterly dangerous and puts the Body of Christ into defeat. That is why I call this a ‘doctrine of demons.’
Varnel Watson
you knew him too too well?
Philip Williams
The C Peter Wagner that I knew was a good man, but a professor dabbling in what he didn’t understand. He was too influenced by the Latter Rain spawn, those Kansas City Prophets who were practicing sorcery.
Varnel Watson
how did you know him personally ?
Philip Williams
Troy Day yes
Philip Williams
Troy Day He was a sociologist, a professor, not a prophet!
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandever has personally vouched for the Kansas 4 in a fresh (and eye witness) look at the “Kansas City…
Philip Williams
Troy Day so much confusion there. I also know/knew a couple of these, one mentioned in the article, and his partner who I rebuked for sorcery. Also Michael Brown who knows them but comes from the Assembly of God. The NAR was mostly a book and an idea in C Peter Wagner’s head.
Philip Williams
Troy Day the one thing I like about these guys is their expectation of a great end-time revival harvest, triumph rather than failure of the church!
Philip Williams
Troy Day the original Pentecostal revival was birthed in a similar expectation, hence our name Pentecostals.
There were 2 strains giving birth to the Pentecostal revival: one the optimistic post-millennial revivalism of most of the 19th century, but infected with Dispensationalism stemming from Keswick with the very opposite message, a failing church.
Varnel Watson
So you hold for Michael Brown but not for Wagner?
Philip Williams
Troy Day I’m not sure what you mean.
Peter has paased away.
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandever has passed away? I will have to let him know ASAP – – – what I meant was in the context of this Dr. Brown’s politiCostalim
Philip Williams
Troy Day ??
My reference was to C Peter Wagner. I don’t know the other Peter.
Varnel Watson
got ya – and what about Dr. Brown’s politiCostalim?
Philip Williams
Troy Day
Italian Pentecostal (best of his roots), Leonard Ravenhill, Jesus Movement, and Assembly of God.
Also Semitic scholar, most of my work with him.
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandever says its the way to go
Peter Vandever
Yes, Heaven is amazing here, Troy
Varnel Watson
there he is – straight from the horses mouth on the great Kansas 4 – did they practice witchcraft or not?
Peter Vandever
There WAS something that should not have happened but calling it a movement of witchcraft is laughable. It was human error.
Varnel Watson
tell us ALL about it Philip wants to know The last great human error was Rick revamping Todd “prophetically”
Philip Williams
Troy Day I rebuked Rick and Bob Jones for sorcery. But anyone should have been able to discern that demons were at work in Todd Bentley.
Peter Vandever
Give me a break. Move along. Todd has issues but demons? Get real.
Philip Williams
Peter Vandever demons!
Peter Vandever
Nope. You are coming across so extreme that it is crazy. Disagreement is not demonic. I have huge concerns with Todd but that does not make him demonic. Do you just go around rebuking people?
Philip Williams
Peter Vandever you should rebuke those who leave their wife for a groupie in the middle of a supposed revival.
Peter Vandever
Philip Williams He has publically admitted to his wrong.
Philip Williams
Peter Vandever What about his wife?
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandeverd does Karen Wheaton and her following praxis SLSW lately ?
Peter Vandever
what is that?
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandever I think Philip Williams was talking not about his women issue but more in the lines of speaking to the she-angel
I have some theological issue with BETHEL especially its recent off spring in Atlanta where Link Hudson is
BUT then Rick approving and laying hands and the whole thing was the WRONG thing to do IMO
Link Hudson
Troy Day never been to Atlanta Bethel.
Varnel Watson
maybe thats why post during church hours?
Link Hudson
Troy Day During your church hours sometimes. We start late and finish really late, but today I’ve got to go to a memorial service for in-laws relatives who passed away.
Varnel Watson