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| PentecostalTheology.comSPIRIT-LED COMMUNICATION
“… My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7)
I love when God shares what’s on His heart. He wants to speak to all of us, and it can often come through our heavenly prayer language. He gave me an expanded view this morning on His Word in Isa. 56:7 that His house shall be called “a house of prayer.” As I was praying in the spirit, I asked the Lord what I was praying. The word came to me “house.” Then the following was impressed on me:
Prayer is communication,
and is about relationship
His “House of Prayer” within you is also a house of two-way communication
“My house is a house of prayer, and yes, it is for all nations, but that also means, it is a house of communication, for that is what prayer is, communication with God.” And, He showed me that communication is also about relationship, for you can’t have real relationship without communication. And communication is two way – He wants to speak to the hearts of His people.
And He said that is something He is about right now, leading people to hear His voice by the Spirit, and that we should be praying for that.
Hearing His voice
As people hear His voice in their hearts, their faith is strengthened, He is able to guide them as well as encourage them, and to make clear the assignment for their lives
As people hear His voice in their hearts, their faith is strengthened, He is able to guide them as well as encourage them, and to make clear the assignment for their lives. I sense He was saying that is important, for in these last days He is releasing all who are willing into their assignments established from the beginning of time.
He impressed on me as well that communication and relationship are important not just between God and man, but among people as well. They signify family, and together we make up the family of God.
Spirit-led communication brings unity
He wants real relationships with Him, in our natural families, in our local church families, and in the family of God throughout the world. Spirit-led communication, He showed me, brings understanding and unity and the ability to work and bear fruit together, and that is how the harvest shall be brought in.
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